This confirms our steadfast commitment to our people in the search for excellence, both in-house and outside the company, by bringing quality to how we conduct and manage our activity. Competitiveness and controlling each process are mandatory to guarantee efficacy on the supply chain.
In all processes, we have environmental management. This is one of the main pillars upon which our commitment to society and our surrounding area is built. Implementation of the standard reduces our environmental impact and helps us to comply with legislation in force in the countries where we operate.
It ensures implementation of a food safety certification system throughout the entire supply chain. The standard guarantees consumer protection, simplifies relationships with governments at the destination, and improves cost performance throughout the chain.
This confirms our steadfast commitment to our people in the search for excellence, both in-house and outside the company, by bringing quality to how we conduct and manage our activity. Competitiveness and controlling each process are mandatory to guarantee efficacy on the supply chain.
In all processes, we have environmental management. This is one of the main pillars upon which our commitment to society and our surrounding area is built. Implementation of the standard reduces our environmental impact and helps us to comply with legislation in force in the countries where we operate.
It ensures implementation of a food safety certification system throughout the entire supply chain. The standard guarantees consumer protection, simplifies relationships with governments at the destination, and improves cost performance throughout the chain.