Jomipsa shows its most socially-conscious side in 2020

2020 has involved change and revolution at every level, and has been a turning point in the lives of many people. It has also been the year in which Jomipsa has wanted and deemed it necessary to show its most socially-conscious side to confront the major crisis which the COVID-19 health emergency has caused.

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Jomipsa, more than 20 years working with the Spanish Red Cross

Today, 8 May, is World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day, commemorating the birth of founder Jean Henri Dunant. Here at Jomipsa we want to mark this day by being thankful for the huge contribution made by both organisations to society and by celebrating the more than 20 years we’ve been working alongside them.

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Covid-19: Occupational health and safety measures implemented by Jomipsa

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) marks the World Day for Safety and Health at Work every year on today’s date, 28th April. Companies play a vital role in keeping all their employees safe in the midst of this health crisis caused by Covid-19, while the health and safety measures adopted enable the business activity to be performed as usual. Continue reading “Covid-19: Occupational health and safety measures implemented by Jomipsa”